
Diverse Education

Here is a blog that is on a journey to find a better way to learn. My youngest daughter, let's call her Princess, had some trouble in school. She was in First Grade, she couldn't sit still in her seat and do worksheets. She ran around the classroom disrupting other students. She not only struggled to do stay in her seat, she also struggled with completing the worksheets on her own. She actually decreased in learning during the beginning two months of First Grade.

Princess has Partial Chromosome 17 Duplication Syndrome. Originally, she was diagnosed with a form of skeletal dysplasia, similar to Achondroplasia. However, recent appointments with her geneticist and new research determined that she does not have skeletal dysplasia, but has something different all together.

A Psychological Evaluation was also completed and she was diagnosed with a learning disability and an intellectual disability.

We chose to pull Princess out of public school, rather than put her on medicine to help her stay in her seat and conform to the traditional classroom. We decided there is a better way to educate a child than a traditional classroom.

This was a difficult decision. I am an elementary school teacher and I understand the difficulties with the public school system. However, I also believe the system needs to change to reach all learners and that it could do better to include the diversity in our world.

I have also decided to return to university to get a PhD in Special Education so that I can ensure that Princess receives every opportunity and the best methods to learn and grow.